Joy and Results
Weighing your food
Cutting out bread, beer, dairy, sugar or fruit completely
Waking up exhausted
Sucking down Diet Coke just to make it through the day because it’s doesn’t have calories so it must be ok right?
Working out for hours to make up for what you ate last night
Saying “NO” when all you want to do is say “yes!”
Counting every calorie you consume unless it’s a “cheat” day
Prepping and eating the same meal all week long
If these things bring you JOY and RESULTS, then by all means you should keep doing them. I’ve done most (if not all of these). I believed that I had to do these things to reach my health and wellness goals. I was so wrong…
I am a big believer that we were designed to seek JOY. So, if what you are doing right now isn’t SIMULTANEOUSLY bringing you joy AND results, at some point you are going to fall off that wagon.
That’s when the YO-YO begins.
Want to know how I know?? I did for years
If you are tired of living a life that lacks joy, simply because you think that’s the only way to feel good in your body again, let’s chat!
I’m taking one on one clients now and my summer introductory special isn’t going to last long. Schedule your complimentary discovery call now.